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Personal Injury

The Kansas City law firm Kuhlman, Reddoch & Sullivan, P.C. represents clients in Missouri and Kansas in personal injury and wrongful death claims arising from auto and trucking accidents, slips and falls, and defective products. As attorneys with extensive personal injury experience, we effectively represent plaintiffs and defendants in these matters, always working to assert our clients’ rights and interests at every stage of the legal process.

If You Have Been Hurt in an Accident, You Need an Attorney

If you have been hurt in an accident, it is imperative to seek advice from an experienced personal injury attorney. Without legal counsel, you may not receive the compensation you need to cover the full extent of your losses, or even be aware of your rights and options. The bottom line is you must prove your case to get damages. At Kuhlman, Reddoch & Sullivan, P.C., we have successfully represented plaintiffs in voluminous personal injury claims, and also have extensive insurance defense experience. As testament to our knowledge and expertise, we have even been retained by other firms in complicated cases.

Auto Accidents

Generally, each driver using Missouri’s roads and highways owes a duty to operate his or her car with the highest degree of care. When a driver breaches this duty and causes injury or death to another, the injured party or the deceased victim’s family may recover compensation for the other driver’s negligence or wrongful conduct behind the wheel. Examples of negligent and/or reckless driving include, but are not limited to:

  • Speeding
  • Drunk driving
  • Cell phone use and texting
  • Failing to be mindful of motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians
  • Disregarding weather or traffic conditions

If your accident was caused by another person’s negligence, recklessness, or wrongdoing, the personal injury attorneys at Kuhlman, Reddoch & Sullivan, P.C. can help you receive fair compensation for your economic and non-economic losses.

If you or your company is being sued because of a mistake you or an employee may have made we have extensive experience in defending such claims.

Wrongful Death

In the tragic event that you have lost a loved one in an accident, we understand that in addition to dealing with grief, you are likely facing new financial challenges in the wake of losing a family member. Our attorneys have the experience and compassion to handle all aspects of a wrongful death claim, allowing families to focus on making an emotional recovery.

Trucking Accidents

This risk of catastrophic injury and death are even greater when an accident involves a large truck or tractor-trailer. Additionally, determinations of liability are often more complex, as the involvement of interstate trucking companies may trigger the application of federal motor vehicle laws. Our experience with trucking accidents enables us to navigate the intricate network of personal injury laws, as well as state and federal trucking regulations.

Slips & Falls

Property owners may be held accountable for unsafe conditions that caused you to slip or trip and fall on their property, such as a wet floor or uneven step. Determining “premises liability” also depends on whether the property owner provided adequate warning within a reasonable time or attempted to correct the dangerous situation. If you suffered injuries because a property owner failed to make his or her property safe, let us assess your potential claim and advise you of your rights.

Seek Experienced, Dedicated Representation

Our attorneys are committed to providing the highest level of care and support to each of our clients, and ultimately achieving the best possible outcome at the conclusion of settlement negotiations or trial. If you or a loved one was injured in an accident, please contact Kuhlman, Reddoch & Sullivan, P.C. to discuss your rights and options. There is applicable statute of limitations so please contact us as soon after you become aware of an injury as possible. We handle plaintiff’s personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning you pay no fee until we recover on your behalf.

We defend such cases on an hourly basis which can be discussed after an initial consultation.